
From BeepBox Wiki

hi! doing stuff every so often! currently trying to develop an UltraBox fork called AuraBox which adds visual effects to the player


songs that were made before I begun using BeepBox
Wonderful Worldwide Water Web (abbreviated wwww in lowercase)
album of songs without any clear goal other than to be chaotic
this is discontinued
purple set
songs that happened to all have a purple album cover
songs where I actually try to properly compose, skill improves in these!
Series/Group Song Date Commentary
Pre-BeepBox Carpeted Kitchen Nov 5, 2021 bahh. not that great. just threw stuff in and it sounded barely coherent. however that was three years ago! long time! probably
Pre-BeepBox Broken Table Nov 12, 2021 seems like more intention was put into this one
Wonderful Worldwide Water Web bogla_1 Nov 29, 2023 this was the first song of a series that ended up being discontinued. the release date is actually a lie—the song is older, I just ended up re-discovering and releasing it. again it's just stuff thrown together, but at least it's somewhat more "pleasant" to listen to
Wonderful Worldwide Water Web
purple set
noyid Jan 28, 2024 more improvement here, still somewhat chaotic but it's neater and ends up being catchy!
Wonderful Worldwide Water Web zztap Feb 22, 2024 I was trying to continue the chaotic energy that the last song had, but it's more toned down and made to be actually listenable? mostly? more progress is being made here
purple set nightside beachside Apr 13, 2024 this is the first song where I actually tried to compose! for real! and follow a theme! the sort of "beach at nighttime" thing manifested as I composed and it ended up working well, if not being a little long and repetitive
purple set cowbell. or something. probabl [sic] July 27, 2024 messed around with samples in UltraBox and accidentally created phonk breakcore! mostly just freestyling with the drums here
purple set AMETHYST? I SURE HOPE SO! Sep 6, 2024 this one is made entirely out of note block sounds! that's something!
purple set race duo!!!!!! Oct 24, 2024 it was a completely different song in my head, the only remnant of it being the first channel... the name was decided upon after fully composing it like with nightside beachside

where am I
